129,00 kr.
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Med Billwerk
This organic Herbal Blend is naturally caffeine-free. Enjoy thisย golden infusion with chamomile, licorice root, peppermint and ginger as a refreshing treat in your everyday life. We recommend Herbal Blend during the day and as the last cup of tea before you go to bed.ย
Make your own homemade iced tea in the summer, or as a hot drink during the colder months. To call upon the different tastes in the existing Herbal Blend try adding a licorice root to stir, a slice of ginger or fresh mint leaves. Serve it for your guests cold over ice in a beautiful glass or hot in a lovely tea cup.
Hos Dit Fokus spreder vi glimmer og glรฆde i din hverdag med vores skรธnne forkรฆlelsessortiment.
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